Richard Lewis Art

My Passion is Painting 

"Like writing a Book
everyone has at least one Masterpiece in them"

Hi Everyone, 

My name is Richard Lewis and welcome to my website.

I have loved Art all my life and started painting at a very early age. In fact, I was painting in oils when I was only 7 years of age. Then after a gap of some 60 years I discovered that I still had the passion to start painting once again. Having always been an avid art lover, visiting galleries and exhibitions whenever the chance arose, I suddenly realised when I retired that time was running out, and if I was going to start on an art journey again that I had better get a move on.

So here I am and have set up this web site to share my paintings with you.

I hope you enjoy looking through them.

Please click on my 'SHOP; to view my original Paintings and Products for sale, or alternatively contact me if you require any more information or are interested in any of the items listed.

Best Wishes





& the occasional still life

Rustic and natural scenery

My passion is landscapes, although I also paint Seascapes and have recently started my journey into still life work.

I take inspiration from many artists including Turner, Van Gogh, Monet and of course the late lamented Bob Ross and Bill Alexander.

For mountain lovers

I just love painting mountains

There is nothing more satisfying than painting a majestic mountain scene.

This painting of Snowdon was inspired and completed following a late spring visit to the mountain. 


For the free spirited, the best places to paint are those which inspire you to be a better person: and of course Painter.

Be one with nature

I have spent my whole life spending as much time as I can outdoors appreciating what nature has to offer. From hiking to fishing, time spent looking and wondering at all the beautiful things nature has to offer has inspired me to start on my renewed journey of painting.

Painting is very subjective and the old adage of 'another mans meat' etc certainly applies when looking at paintings and art in general.


When Van Gogh was alive his work was considered rubbish by the so called experts of his time. It was only after his death and the perseverance of his family that his work became acclaimed as that of a master. 

If you were to visit his exhibition in Amsterdam you would see in real life the vibrancy of his work. There will always be those who stand in front of an artwork and say 'my 5 year old could do better than that.

 I paint because I enjoy the process and sometimes the results of my efforts. It doesn't always go to plan but as the 'Master' Bob Ross always said 'we don't make mistakes, we have Happy Accidents'


The reason I set up this website was to share with you my efforts, and hopefully inspire you to pick up the brushes and challenge yourself. 

I am not an artist, I am a self-taught amateur painter. 

After some 70 years I now look at nature in a totally different light. Look up to the skies and see the different cloud formations? How many different shades of green can you see in a hedgerow or a landscape? Painting makes you aware of all these things and opens your eyes to what is really around you. Not what you think is there! 

Get Painting, it will enhance your life.

Latest Painting

'Valley Farm'
Interpretation of an Edward Seago Painting
Oil on Canvas Board 
16" x 12" 

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